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SAFV Task Force

Updated: Jan 22

Check out this highlight about one of our purposeful partners.

We were recently able to sit down with some of the staff from the SAFV (Sexual Assault and Family Violence) Task Force and it was a gift for us to hear more about the needs being met right here in Sublette County. While the staff cares for vulnerable people in a host of various situations, for the most part, their clientele is made up of women who have been assaulted sexually, or find themselves in an abusive relationship and/or home environment. SAFV offers countless services to these women in crisis. They assist with finding counseling services, relocation needs, walking them through the legal system, and oftentimes, just listening. For some women, it's the first time they find themselves in a safe space to share what they've been through - which is an important first step.

Another exciting part of what SAFV does is with regard to prevention. By being on campus in our local middle schools and high schools, they're able to educate kids about safety, boundaries, healthy relationships and more. And their newest program 'MOST' (Men of Strength) is training men in our community to come alongside younger men who are in need of healthy role models, teaching them what it is to be a good man who can be protective and strong for those who may be weaker.

The ultimate prayer request would be that the SAFV Task Force works itself right out of a job! But until that happens, please pray for the staff, pray for the additional resources they need, pray for these preventative programs, and most of all, pray for their clients. They've experienced great pain, and starting over is incredibly challenging in Sublette County. But we know that we serve a God who says, "Is anything too hard for me?" So for those who've been wounded; we pray for His strength to heal, to restore and to provide.

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